Saturday, April 3, 2010

Perfect for Spring!

Happy Easter bloggers!!
In honor of the holiday, we decided to post the Miss Dior Cherie campaigns from previous years. They're very springtime-esque...with lots of pastels and sunshine! It's a lovely perfume. We highly recommend it.

Meggasus prefers the campaign with Lily Donaldson from 2007 and Katie-Lu prefers the campaign with Maryna Linchuck from 2008...which do you like best?

Here is the campaign featuring Lily Donaldson, photographed by Jean Baptiste Mondino.

Here is the campaign featuring Maryna Linchuk, photographed by Tim Walker.

Let us know what you think! xox

Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with Katie on this one - the Maryna Linchuk campaign. The mood of the picture expresses the perfume. It's classic, pretty, and sultry. Both are great though. Great job with the blog!

C said...

Oh yes, the Miss Dior campaigns have always been so sweet!
Happy Easter to you too!

Мария Баранова said...

Lovely blog!!!

A Gluten Freestyle said...

Happy Easter! I love the Maryna campaign purely because of those amazing balloons. Awesome colours.

Pomeline said...

I own this perfume and it so does not suit me anymore. I've grown rather fond of Burberry Brit for Women, it's lovely.

Fab Five said...
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iliketweet said...

I prefer the second, Tim Walker can do no wrong!

tweet tweet tweet


Ali Hval said...

Love the balloons in the second one. (: Both are so beautiful!

ryder said...


Sobaika said...

Definitely the 2008 campaign :)


Number 1 def. idk why but I prefer that one:)
i heard that the perfume smells good.. i don't know because I wear only J'adore from Dior, so so.. I love Dior;
oh, and HAPPY late EASTER!!


Anonymous said...

why are there only pictures of white people, where is the diversity in your blog? this is a major problem in the fashion industry and you are contributing to it.